jueves, 14 de enero de 2016


Act 5. Scene 1

ROMEA: Hi my friend, have you got any news from Verona?
ROMEA’S FRIEND: Yes I have one, but it is terrible. I don’t know if I should tell you.
ROMEA: We are supposed to be friends, you have to tell me even if there are bad news!
ROMEA’S FRIEND: Ok, but please, promise me that you are not going to do any nonsense action. Juliet is dead!
ROMEA: No, it is impossible! Juliet can not be dead.
(ROMEA starts running, thinking about she will never see JULIET again. She decides to buy poison and join JULIET in death)

Act 5. Scene 2

(FRIAR LAURENCE and FRIAR JOHN enter in scene)
FRIAR JOHN: sorry Friar Laurence, I could not give your letter to Romea
FRIAR JOHN: Why not?
FRIAR JOHN: I don´t know, it was all very strange
FRIAR LAURENCE: Ok, don’t worry my friend. But please, make me a favor, you have to get a crowbar and make plans to be there when Juliet awakes, write again to Romea in Mantua, and hide Juliet in his cell until Romea arrives.
FRIAR JOHN: Ok, I will do it.

Act 5. Scene 5

(PARIS strewing flowers and weeping in JULIET’s grave)

PARIS: Page go out, I need a moment to be alone. (Dramatic voice) Juliet, I give you my word that I will visit you every single night.

PAGE: Sir, someone is coming

(A torch can be seen in the darkness)

ROMEA: Balthasar, give this letter to my father (gives him the letter and stars to open the tomb)

PARIS: What are you doing here?! (PARIS comes forward and tries to arrest ROMEA)

ROMEA: Me? The question is what are you doing here (ROMEA and PARIS realize what the other one is doing there, they get furious)
PARIS: I can’t believe that are you here with all the things that have happened. Your love can’t be true. She died because of your fault, you will be behead and then you will go to hell!
ROMEA:  I will go to hell but you will go first (ROMEA catchs a vase and hits PARIS head)
PARIS: (while he’s dying on the floor) Please lay me next to Juliet (ROMEA does what PARIS asks her to do)
(PARIS dies)
ROMEA: Eyes look for the last time! Arms, give your last hug! And lips, seal with a kiss forever a deal with death! Here is my love. Ah, loyal apothecary, your drugs are quick! With a kiss I die and my last breath I say I love you.
(ROMEA drinks apothecary’s poison and then he dies)
(FRIAR LAURENCE gets into the grave and Juliet awakes and sees ROMEA and PARIS dead)

JULIET: Oh my god! Romea is dead, I can’t believe it! My life has no sense without her.
FRIAR LAURENCE: Come on Juliet, we have to get out of here.
JULIET: No, I can’t leave this grave without Romea alive.
(FRIAR LAURENCE comes out of the grave alone)
(JULIET takes Romea’s dagger and kills herself)
(the PAGE gets into the grave followed by the watchmen)
(CAPULETS and MONTEGUES arrive to the crime scene, Romea’s father reads the letter)
CAPULETS: We swear we’ll built a statue of Romea.
MONTAGUES: We also swear that we’ll built a statue to Juliet.


                                      Okkult Motion Pictures black and white the end movies art


  • Daniel G. Fernández: PARIS
  • Irene Sánchez: ROMEA
  • Alicia Riego: JULIET

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